
Cannabis Cultivation Plans , Site Mitigation Plans and Agency Permitting


Cannabis Cultivation Permitting Industry Data Analysts

California Licensed Landscape Architects 

Welcome to a New Source for Cannabis Industry Data

At Planaire we understand land, site planning and design, permitting and agency processing. The firms partners have over 80 years of combined experience in civil engineering, land development, planning and landscape architecture for hundreds of California projects encompassing over 45,000 acres of development. All of these projects require local agency permits, environmental documentation and generally multiple agency review. We have worked closely with Fish and Wildlife, Regional Water Quality Controls Boards and on occasion the Army Corps of Engineers. We team with biologists, and cultural resource specialists to address the site specific needs for each parcel to meet the requirements of the state agencies issuing cannabis cultivation permits.

Our CannaData Tab
Similar to a blog format, our CannaData page provides in-depth information on a variety of cannabis industry topics. Utilizing our technical skills and experience, we analyze cannabis industry data and compile charts and add dialog to bring clarity to information which is sometimes biased and produced to promote a certain perspective by some authors. Accurate information is good for everyone and we pride ourselves in providing data which has been thoroughly researched, easy to understand and which is delivered in a timely manner. We also understand economics, and previously published a specialty monthly financial industry newsletter for 5 years which was distributed to about 4,000 subscribers.
State Water Board and CalCannabis
Planaire provides professional design services and consulting for cannabis cultivators. As California Licensed Landscape Architects the firm is approved to prepare required documents such as erosion control, sediment control, site disturbance stabilization plans and site closure reports that meet the requirements of the Water Board and CDFA CalCannabis. In addition we prepare site management plans, property diagrams, cultivation plans, as well as the development of Best Practice documents for pesticide, petroleum use, refuse, domestic wastewater and winterization measures, as required by state agencies. Our work includes application assistance with the Cal Cannabis division of the California Department of Agriculture, Regional Water Quality Control Board.

Don't be intimidated by the Process

Landscape Architects
As Landscape Architects we are experienced in mitigating site problems to minimize any negative impacts on a neighborhood and the environment. Aesthetic considerations are always an integral part of our focus as they can add considerable value to a property.

We have extensive experience in site grading and drainage design, water and irrigation systems, and developing on-site mitigation measures for runoff control.

We are actively involved in environmental restoration projects, cannabis garden designs and regulatory permitting and we specialize in artistic planting composition with an emphasis on native and drought tolerant planting.

Need help navigating the Permit Maze ?

Mapping and Permit Assistance
With our backgrounds in Civil Engineering and Landscape Architecture we understand mapping. For those applicants who want to prepare their own cultivation applications we can provide the required property and premises diagrams as required by the CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing program for insertion into your cultivation license package. We can also help in the development of your pest management and waste management plans along with lighting diagrams.

Smaller operators or cultivators with very simple and low risk sites attempting to obtain permits on their own may find that additional expertise is needed for some of the technical aspects of the permitting process. At Planaire, we understand the permitting process is burdensome for smaller growers and we seek to support the small cultivators by supplying lower cost supporting professional services for our clients.

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